Class 8th
Here is the syllabus for CBSE Class 8

Artificial Intelegence
Unit Wise Marks Distribution of Class 8 AI Syllabus 2021-22
Unit | Name of the Unit | Duration | Periods |
1 | Excite | 02 Hours 40 Mins. | 4 Periods |
2 | Relate | 02 Hours | 3 Periods |
3 | Purpose | 02 Hours | 3 Periods |
4 | Possibilities | 02 Hours | 3 Periods |
5 | AI Ethics | 03 Hours 20 Mins. | 5 Periods |
6 | Total | 12 Hours | 18 Periods |

CBSE Hindi Class 8 Syllabus 2021-22
A. Vasant:
Chapter 1. ध्वनि (किवता)
Chapter 2. लाख की चूिड़या (कहानी)
Chapter 3. बस की यात्रा
Chapter 4. दीवानों की हस्ती (किवता)
Chapter 5. चीटियों की अनूठी दुिनया (निबंध )
Chapter 6. भगवान के डािकए (किवता)
Chapter 7. किया निराश हुआ जाए (निबंध )
Chapter 8. यह सब से किठन समय नहीं (किवता)
Chapter 9. कबीर की सखियाँ
Chapter 10. कामचोर (कहानी)
Chapter 11. जब सिनेमा ने बोलना सीखा
Chapter 12. सुदामा चरित (किवता)
Chapter 13. जहाँ पिहया है
Chapter 14. अकबरी लोटा (कहानी)
Chapter 15. सूर के पद (किवता)
Chapter 16. पानी की कहानी (निबंध)
Chapter 17. बाज और साँप (कहानी)
Chapter 18. टोपी (कहानी)
B. Durva:
Chapter 1. गुिड़या
Chapter 2. दो गोरैया
Chapter 3. चिट्ठियों मैं यूरोप
Chapter 4. ओस
Chapter 5. नाटक मैं नाटक
Chapter 6. सागार यात्रा
Chapter 7. उठ किसान ओ
Chapter 8. सस्ते का चक्कर
Chapter 9. एक खिलाड़ी की कुछ यादें
Chapter 10. बस की सैर
Chapter 11. हिंदी ने जनकी जंदगी बदल दी
Chapter 12. आषाढ़ का पहला दिन
Chapter 13. अन्याय के खलाफ
Chapter 14. बच्चोंके प्रिय श्री के शव शंकर पिल्लई
Chapter 15. फर्श पर
Chapter 16. बड़ी अम्मा की बात
Chapter 17. वह सुबह कभी तो आएगी
Chapter 18. आओ पित्रका निकाले
Chapter 19. आहवान
C. Bharat Ki Khoj:
Chapter 1. अहमदनगर का किला
Chapter 2. तलाश
Chapter 3. सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता
Chapter 4. युगों का दौर
Chapter 5. नयी समस्याएँ
Chapter 6. अंतिम दौर -एक
Chapter 7. अंतिम दौर -दो
Chapter 8. तनाव
Chapter 9. दो पृष्ठभूमिया – भारतीय और अंग्रेज़ी
D. Sanshipt Budhcharit:
अध्याय 1: आरंभिक जीवन
अध्याय 2: अभिनिष्क्रमण
अध्याय 3: ज्ञान प्राप्ति
अध्याय 4: धर्मचक्र प्रवर्तन
अध्याय 5: महापरिनिवार्ण

CBSE Class 8 Science Syllabus for 2021-22 contains the following topics and sub topics. Students can find the complete detail of these topics which also covers the questions, key concepts, resources, activities/processes from the syllabus pdf.
1. Food
- Crop production
- Micro-organisms
2. Materials
- Materials in daily life
- Different kinds of materials and their reactions
- How things change/ react with one another
3. The World of the Living
- Why conserve
- The cell
- How babies are formed
4. Moving things, People and Ideas
- Idea of force
- Friction
- Pressure
- Sound
5. How Things Work
- Electric current and circuits
6. Natural Phenomena
- Rain, thunder and lightning
- Light
- Night sky
- Earthquakes
7. Natural Resources
- Man’s intervention in phenomena of nature
- Pollution of air and water
CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 Science Chapter Names
Based on the above mentioned CBSE Class 8 Syllabus topics, these chapters are provided in NCERT Class 8 Science textbook. Students must study these chapters in order to cover the Science Syllabus of Class 8.
Chapter 1: Crop Production and Management
Chapter 2: Microorganisms : Friend and Foe
Chapter 3: Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
Chapter 4: Materials – Metals and Non-Metals
Chapter 5: Coal and Petroleum
Chapter 6: Combustion and Flame
Chapter 7: Conservation of Plants and Animals
Chapter 8: Cell – Structure and Functions
Chapter 9: Reproduction in Animals
Chapter 10: Reaching the Age of Adolescence
Chapter 11: Force and Pressure
Chapter 12: Friction
Chapter 13: Sound
Chapter 14: Chemical Effects of Electric Current
Chapter 15: Some Natural Phenomena
Chapter 16: Light
Chapter 17: Stars and The Solar System
Chapter 18: Pollution of Air and Water
In Science subject along with the theory, it’s important that students also perform activities, experiments and create projects. This will build their interest in Science and also help them understand the practical application.

The CBSE Class 8 Maths Syllabus covers the following major topics. Students can get the detail of sub topics under each major topic by going through the Maths Syllabus PDF of Class 8.
Number System
(i) Rational Numbers
(ii) Powers
(iii) Squares, Square roots, Cubes, Cube roots
(iv) Playing with numbers
(i) Algebraic Expressions
Ratio and Proportion
i) Understanding shapes:
ii) Representing 3-D in 2-D
iii) Construction
Data handling
Introduction to graphs
CBSE Class 8 Maths Syllabus Chapters Names
The chapter in the NCERT Maths textbook are as per the syllabus. Students of CBSE Class 8 must cover the CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 by studying these chapters from the prescribed NCERT book.
Chapter 1: Rational Numbers | 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Properties of Rational Numbers 1.3 Representation of Rational Numbers on the Number Line 1.4 Rational Number between Two Rational Numbers |
Chapter 2: Linear Equations in One Variable | 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Solving Equations which have Linear Expressions on one Side and Numbers on the other Side 2.3 Some Applications 2.4 Solving Equations having the Variable on both sides 2.5 Some More Applications 2.6 Reducing Equations to Simpler Form 2.7 Equations Reducible to the Linear Form |
Chapter 3: Understanding Quadrilaterals | 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Polygons 3.3 Some of the Measures of the Exterior Angles of a Polygon 3.4 Kinds of Quadrilaterals 3.5 Some Special Parallelograms |
Chapter 4: Practical Geometry | 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Constructing a Quadrilateral 4.3 Some Special Cases |
Chapter 5: Data Handling | 5.1 Looking for Information 5.2 Organising Data 5.3 Grouping Data 5.4 Circle Graph or Pie Chart 5.5 Chance and Probability |
Chapter 6: Squares and Square Roots | 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Properties of Square Numbers 6.3 Some More Interesting Patterns 6.4 Finding the Square of a Number 6.5 Square Roots 6.6 Square Roots of Decimals 6.7 Estimating Square Root |
Chapter 7: Cubes and Cube Roots | 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Cubes 7.3 Cubes Roots |
Chapter 8: Comparing Quantities | 8.1 Recalling Ratios and Percentages 8.2 Finding the Increase and Decrease Percent 8.3 Finding Discounts 8.4 Prices Related to Buying and Selling (Profit and Loss) 8.5 Sales Tax/Value Added Tax/Goods and Services Tax 8.6 Compound Interest 8.7 Deducing a Formula for Compound Interest 8.8 Rate Compounded Annually or Half Yearly (Semi Annually) 8.9 Applications of Compound Interest Formula |
Chapter 9: Algebraic Expressions and Identities | 9.1 What are Expressions? 9.2 Terms, Factors and Coefficients 9.3 Monomials, Binomials and Polynomials 9.4 Like and Unlike Terms 9.5 Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions 9.6 Multiplication of Algebraic Expressions: Introduction 9.7 Multiplying a Monomial by a Monomial 9.8 Multiplying a Monomial by a Polynomial 9.9 Multiplying a Polynomial by a Polynomial 9.10 What is an Identity? 9.11 Standard Identities 9.12 Applying Identities |
Chapter 10: Visualising Solid Shapes | 10.1 Introduction 10.2 View of 3D-Shapes 10.3 Mapping Space Around Us 10.4 Faces, Edges and Vertices |
Chapter 11: Mensuration | 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Let us Recall 11.3 Area of Trapezium 11.4 Area of General Quadrilateral 11.5 Area of Polygons 11.6 Solid Shapes 11.7 Surface Area of Cube, Cuboid and Cylinder 11.8 Volume of Cube, Cuboid and Cylinder 11.9 Volume and Capacity |
Chapter 12: Exponents and Powers | 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Powers with Negative Exponents 12.3 Laws of Exponents 12.4 Use of Exponents to Express Small Numbers in Standard Form |
Chapter 13: Direct and Inverse Proportions | 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Direct Proportion 13.3 Inverse Proportion |
Chapter 14: Factorisation | 14.1 Introduction 14.2 What is Factorisation? 14.3 Division of Algebraic Expressions 14.4 Division of Algebraic Expressions Continued (Polynomial / Polynomial) 14.5 Can you Find the Error? |
Chapter 15: Introduction to Graphs | 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Linear Graphs 15.3 Some Applications |
Chapter 16: Playing with Numbers | 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Numbers in General Form 16.3 Game with Numbers 16.4 Letters for Digits 16.5 Test of Divisibility |

CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 English (Honeydew – Textbook in English for Class VIII)
Chapter 1: The Best Christmas Present in the World
Poem: The Ant and the Cricket
Chapter 2: The Tsunami
Poem: Geography Lesson
Chapter 3: Glimpses of the Past
Poem: Macavity -The Mystery Cat
Chapter 4: Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory
Poem: The Last Bargain
Chapter 5: The Summit Within
Poem: The School Boy
Chapter 6: This is Jody’s Fawn
Poem: The Duck and the Kangaroo
Chapter 7: A Visit to Cambridge
Poem: When I set out for Lyonnesse
Chapter 8: A Short Monsoon Diary
Poem: On the Grasshopper and Cricket
Chapter 9: The Great Stone Face- I
Chapter 10: The Great Stone Face- II
CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 English (It So Happened – Supplementary Reader in English for Class VIII)
Chapter 1: How the Camel got his Hump
Chapter 2: Children at work
Chapter 3: The Selfish Giant
Chapter 4: The Treasure within
Chapter 5: Princess September
Chapter 6: The Fight
Chapter 7: The Open Window
Chapter 8: Jalebis
Chapter 9: The Comet- I
Chapter 10: The Comet- II
Chapter 11: Ancient Education System of India
Students can also access the syllabus for others subjects by visiting CBSE Class 8 Syllabus page.
CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 English Grammar
The English Grammar syllabus for CBSE Class 8 has the following topics:
a. Order of Words and Clauses
b. Direct and Indirect Speech
c. Active and Passive Voice
d. Tenses
e. Noun
f. Pronoun
g. Verb
h. Adverb
i. Prepositions
j. Conjunction
k. Phrases and Idioms
l. Vocabulary
m. Comprehension Reading
CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 English Composition (Writing)
This section test your writing skills in English. The English Composition syllabus for CBSE Class 8 has the following topics:
a. Notice
a. Notice
c. Formal and Informal Letters
d. Diary Entry
e. Essay

Social Science
The CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 Social Science is based on the following themes. Students can find the complete details of these topics, covering themes and objectives from the syllabus pdf.
CBSE Class 8 History Syllabus
- Where, When, How
- The Establishment of Company Power
- Rural Life and Society
- Colonialism and Tribal Societies
- Crafts and Industries
- The Revolt of 1857-58
- Education and British rule
- Women and reform
- Challenging the Caste System
- Colonialism and Urban Change
- Changes in the Arts: Painting, Literature, architecture
- The Nationalist Movement
- India after Independence
CBSE Class 8 Social and Political Life Syllabus
- Unit 1: The Constitution
- Unit 2: Parliamentary Government
- Unit 3: The Judiciary
- Unit 4: Social Justice and the Marginalised
- Unit 5: Economic Presence of the Government
CBSE Class 8 Geography Syllabus
- Resources
- Natural resources
- Agriculture
- Industries
- Human Resources
CBSE Class 8 Social Science Syllabus Chapter Name
Students can cover the CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 Social Science topics by studying from NCERT Social Science textbook. Below, we have provided the chapter name of the Social Science NCERT textbook.
1. History: Our Pasts III Textbook for History for Class 8
1. History: Our Pasts III Textbook for History for Class 8
2. From Trade to Territory The Company Establishes Power
3. Ruling the Countryside
4. Tribals, Dikus and the Vision of a Golden Age
5. When People Rebel 1857 and After
6. Weavers, Iron Smelters and Factory Owners
7. Civilising the “Native”, Educating the Nation
8. Women, Caste and Reform
9. The Making of the National Movement: 1870s–1947
10. India After Independence
2. Social and Political Life
A. Unit One: The Indian Constitution and Secularism
Chapter 1: The Indian Constitution
Chapter 2: Understanding Secularism
B. Unit Two: Parliament and The Making of Laws
Chapter 3: Why do we need a Parliament?
Chapter 4: Understanding Laws
C. Unit Three: The Judiciary
Chapter 5: Judiciary
Chapter 6: Understanding Our Criminal Justice System
D. Unit Four: Social Justice and The Marginalised
Chapter 7: Understanding Marginalisation
Chapter 8: Confronting Marginalisation
E. Unit Five: Economic Presence of the Government
Chapter 9: Public Facilities
Chapter 10: Law and Social Justice
3. Geography
Chapter 1: Resources
Chapter 2: Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources
Chapter 3: Mineral and Power Resources
Chapter 4: Agriculture
Chapter 5: Industries
Chapter 6: Human Resources